May 31, 2022Liked by Paulos

Really cool thought experiment. Like most things, sounds good on paper, but will always run into trouble in real life. You say there are no precedents, but right now it seems like a rationally-planned cult. To make it more realistic, I would instead plan for the worst first.

For example, people go out in the world, they are not immune to influences, you have not calculated the losses of loyalty in your people, the actual degeneracy that affects each iteration, or even the will to change the contract after your death. Things change, if you're going to rationally build things and not create paper utopias, you need to take this into account. The real genius of Liberal thought (Montesquieu) was to balance out each power in the State through their opposition. You should find a way to balance out the goals with the decay in your project, and then it might have a chance. Still, it was fun reading this!

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A beautiful vision. Thank you for laying it out so carefully. I really enjoy your writing.

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A splendid much-thought-provoking piece. Thank you for writing this, and thank you for making this available for me to read.

Now, I must read it once more.

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Very well said, I shall start a horse riding aristocracy with my close friends

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this just pumped me up, bruh

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I think George Soros has been doing a variation of this for a while now.

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Interesting! Foundation vibes. I’m not sure this would not be taxed though. Lifetime gift tax exemption in US ~10m. After this you are taxed anything beyond 20k per recipient per year on a sliding rate 20–40% as far as I can tell from this https://smartasset.com/retirement/gift-tax-limits

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Love this brother. I'd explore the problems-solutions to de/centralization. In order for the House to be correctly aimed and not succumb to corruption, what is necessary?

I'd argue for the inclusion tradition of 'coming of age' rites. Such as BAP talks about in recent podcast on Greek society. Christian Baptism, marriage, etc. are good examples. How to revitalize this?

I find interesting that the initial ideas (business, book, monument, etc) will be integrated into the House plan.

Also the Hierarchy Situation. Even when we have loyal community what intentivices individuals to maintain loyalty, why not start their own House?

It's 5AM and I hear the church bells ringing, I go rest. GN

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Your post continues to inspire. Thanks.

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This is the ideal society: a hierarchy of clans.

One could say that this has always existed, and that this is simply life, but at the very least it has been occulted. Occult imperatives are easy to forget.

The engine of this machine, more than the ambitious 6 children per family (easily done), is maintaining hope for the future. Not difficult by itself, in fact it can even be forced. Though forcing hope will lead it to be false in the face of reality. The descendants cannot bel allowed to extinguish themselves and fail in their duties just to maintain their loyalty to the vision.

This hope must be backed by a basic truth, a set of skills for engaging the world directly. Skills can be acquired but the aquisition of these skills must be in line with the vision that is backed by hope. Even pragmatism risks severe danger. There must be a desire to strive *specifically against* hardship, and enjoyment in such.

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