Mar 7, 2022Liked by Paulos

The story of MedUSA parallels the American story. We too started out as a beautiful young country but over time was villainized by evil hands. So many countries across the world see us as a monster. Our corrupt leaders have brought pain and suffering to their shores and those scares will not be easily healed. In reality, we the people of America are also victims of the corrupt who made us out to be perverse, selfish, and greedy. Most of us despise those traits and we are sickened at the souring of our culture. Hopefully we do not have the same fate as MedUSA. Hopefully we can instead rule with an iron fist on our land and clean up the mess that has been made restoring not only our imagine but the salvation of our souls. May we bring peace through virtue and humbleness to show the world our true beauty.

All in all, I can not wait. Our country and our neighbors need healing. More than anything we need peace.

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A great read and a hopeful message. Thank you. Spring is coming.

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This is incredible. Best writing on myth that is currently being done.

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Mar 12, 2022Liked by Paulos

Slight correction: We were allowed to to vote on gay marriage, we rejected it, and it was imposed upon us anyway against our will.

Great article.

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This is one of the greatest essays I have ever read 🙌🏻 Cheers from Egypt 🇪🇬

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dam. that was good. didn't know anything a whit about that statue until today. horrific

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“The old world is dying. The new world struggles to be born. Now is the time of monsters.” -Antonio Gramsci

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You should write a book, I would buy it! The Federalist had an article about the NY Medusa statute about a year ago. It was also very well written but had a different thesis, that Medusa was a symbol of chaos, or breakdown of civilization. I am not sure I can link it in a comment, but you could go there and look it up if you wish.

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Mar 14, 2022Liked by Paulos

Thank you, Paulos. As I read the article, I wondered if the masculine savage of BAP and James LaFond are reconcilable with Christ. Then again, your article does not seem to fantasize about nomadic war bands as much as it expresses the necessity of clear authority, which is an authentically Catholic idea. Still, violence is the mechanism by which such authority is recognized. I am not trying to criticize your article. It is wonderful. I am asking if there is a Magisterial source that supports a modern day Perseus?

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a facinating read for four AM

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Incredible post. Before reading, I viewed the story of Perseus slaying Medusa as the heroic masculine conquering the paralyzing, wicked feminine not just externally but within himself; the way the protagonist in Mishima's The Temple of The Golden Pavilion must burn down the beautiful, mesmerizing temple to regain his autonomy and maturity. This however, adds several layers to it that I couldn't have put better myself. Thank you!

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Thank you for your generous comment.

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Mar 8, 2022Liked by Paulos

So basically women CEOs are kept women and tranny eunuchs replace the Karen CEOs that can't handle the math-intensive engineering jobs.

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Limpida has come up with a eunuch model. https://strigoi.substack.com/p/eunuch-caste-theory

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I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who considers dreams as important tools of revelation. The primordial Vitalistic flame burns bright in this one.

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Paulos

A fine article that shows a broad academic understanding, with hints of what is really going on under the camouflage. Thank you.


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Mar 6, 2022Liked by Paulos

INCREDIBLE essay. Expertly done, sir.

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